I did not immediately gain admission into the university after my secondary education. Most of my friends had gained admission earlier. In fact, I had a classmate in his final year studying engineering when I was just offered admission. Today, when I looked at our lives, I cannot but appreciate God for how He had sovereignly worked out our unique destinies in His own way and time. My times are in God’s hands.

Friend, your times are in God’s hands (Psalms 31:15). The fact that you and your friend were ordained the same day does not mean you would break through in ministry the same time or season. Our destinies are different. Our paths are different. Our times are different (1 Corinthians 15:8-10). You may receive the same prophecy in the same service, but the manifestation of the prophecy will not be the same as we are not in the same season with God.

God’s words will only be fulfilled in their season (Luke 1:20). This is why you should not compare yourself with anyone. This is why you should not envy anyone. This is why you should learn to celebrate God’s faithfulness in other people’s lives while you are waiting for your own (2 Corinthians 10:12). Remember that when God is blessing your neighbour, it means that He is in your neighbourhood.

I’m sure that Elizabeth had other ladies who got married at the same time with her. But she was not meant to give birth immediately after marriage like they did (Luke 1:5-7). They probably gave birth to ordinary children, but she would give birth to a prophetic child, the forerunner of Jesus. Therefore, Elizabeth was not really barren. She was only a womb-in-waiting. Jesus’s birth must be close to John’s birth (Luke 1:76-77).

This year, refuse to be under any form of pressure. If it’s not happening now, it will surely happen at the right time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). You are not late. You are not unfortunate. Nothing is wrong with you. You have not missed purpose or destiny. You are only walking your own road with God while trusting His unfailing love and commitment to your life and destiny.

Avoid relationships that make you feel less just because nothing significant seems to be happening in your life (Micah 7:8). Sometimes, the most powerful operations of God are not loud. They are silent and invisible. It takes people with discernment to interpret such operations (Matthew 16:16-17). Enjoy your journey and process with God. Your times are in His hands.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria