My spiritual father once shared with us an incident that took place during the early days of their ministry. One of his older siblings came visiting one day. After looking round to see all that God had done for him and the ministry, she turned to him and said; “You have done well for yourself.” My spiritual father responded; “No. God has been faithful to us.” He chose to lean on God’s faithfulness, not on his faith.
Friend, your faith must be in God’s faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23). We have faith only because God is faithful. Bragging about your faith without recognising God’s faithfulness is another definition of ignorance and ingratitude. Also, don’t allow your lack of faith to keep you from God’s best.
There would be times in your life that it is only God’s faithfulness that will carry you. One of the most sincere statements in the Bible is “I believe, help my unbelief.” A lot of people fake their faith when they can simply rely on God’s faithfulness (Mark 9:24). Let God’s faithfulness carry you.
God’s faithfulness will get you to places that your faith cannot get you to, and it would give you what your faith cannot give you (Psalms 44:3). Actually, we need to put our faith in God’s faithfulness, not our prayers or efforts. Your faith may fail, but His faithfulness never fails, and it endures forever (2 Timothy 2:13).
Let me ask you; in who and on what do you put your faith (Philippians 3:9)? Some people put their faith in prayers, fasting, strategy, calling, etc. But we need to put our faith in God’s faithfulness. This is why the faith of the New Testament saint is the faith of Jesus Christ (Galatians 2:16, 20). It is faith based on what Christ has done, not what we are doing.
As wonderful and powerful as spiritual activities are, our faith must not be in them. This is why some people engage in spiritual activities without getting results (Galatians 3:1-7). This year, review the object of your faith. Let your faith be rightly focused on God’s faithfulness, and you will not be disappointed (Romans 5:5). Amen.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria