Years ago, a young man walked up to my office with some sorts of excitement, claiming that he had seen who to marry. I knew he was wrong, but I did not tell him. As usual, I told him to subject the leading to prayers and time. After some weeks, he came back with an entirely different story.

Friend, you cannot do life alone. You need a third eye in your life. God has not planned that you limit your perception and decision to what only you can see (Isaiah 11:3). Perhaps the reason a lot of people stumble in life is that they ignore God’s provision for their safety and preservation (Isaiah 30:20-21). The truth is, you cannot do life alone.

The third eye represents the relationship that God positions around you to bring wisdom and stability into your life. They are people who help balance your passion with wisdom (Exodus 18:13-24). The kingdom of God is a kingdom of interdependence, not independence. The proof of maturity is not independence but interdependence.

No matter how sharp your eyes are, you cannot see the back of your own head. There would be people who see what you are not seeing and have perspectives that you are not considering. Sometimes, you become so blinded by what you are focused on that you don’t see anything else again.

Primarily, the Holy Spirit is our third eye, but He also discharges His ministry in our lives via strategic relationships (John 16:13). Your spouse is one of such relationships. A man or woman who does not take input from his or her spouse would be limited in life and may even end in the ditch. God calls a wife a helpmeet for a reason (Genesis 2:18).

Your pastor is not emotional like you, so bouncing decisions off him would be an advantage for you in the pursuit of destiny (Proverbs 11:14, 15:22). Why hide your marital relationship from your pastor when you can be well guided? Your pastor is not in love like you, so he’s likely to think straight and supply the insight you lack. You cannot do life alone. Never forget this.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria