One day, while picking up my daughter from school, she shared with me that her class had been divided into different houses for their upcoming sports events. She mentioned that her house was often considered the underdog, with many people expecting them to come in last.

I took this opportunity to teach her a valuable lesson, saying, “It’s not the house colour that defines your team’s performance, but rather the individuals who make up the team. You and your teammates have the power to change the narrative and come out on top.”

Friend, you can write your own success story (1 Corinthians 15:8-10). Sincerely, it is not about your colour, background, nationality, or gender. It is about your determination to make a difference in your world. Stories abound of people who made a difference in their world despite the limitations (Hebrews 11:32-40). They chose to rewrite history by writing their own success story. You can do the same.

What have people told you that you cannot achieve? Why have you believed the lie that because you are a female, you cannot attain certain heights in career, business, or ministry (Galatians 3:28-29)? Pastor, why have you believed the lie that churches don’t grow in your location? You can change that narrative. You can build a mega ministry in that same city to the glory of God.

What you believe matters (Isaiah 53:1). Actually, it is not what people say about you or your situation that matters. It is what you believe, and what you believe will show in what you say and how you live (2 Corinthians 4:13). Don’t allow what you have been fed with to affect your perception of yourself and your unique destiny. Turn to God and His word. Believe what He says and go all out to become the same.

God always wants to create stories of success through the lives of those that others have looked down on (1 Corinthians 1:26-29). He always causes the stone that the builders reject to be the chief cornerstone (Psalms 118:22-23). He always wants to glorify the least, the lost, and the last. With God, you have got more than a winning chance to succeed and fulfil your God-given destiny.

This year, refuse to accept the limits that people have placed on you (Micah 7:11). Make up your mind to shift boundaries. Decide to do what others say cannot be done. Rather than bulging in, why not break out and push for the highest level of success (Isaiah 54:1-3)? You can be that difference maker in your industry, family, nation, and the world at large. You can choose to rewrite history by leveraging the grace and wisdom of God. It is possible. Amen!

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead, Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria