Recently, someone hinted me about our Destiny Capsules Devotional being posted on a group without acknowledging the source or even putting “copied”. I responded; “I’ve also seen a few of such in some groups too. What matters is that the word spreads and Jesus is glorified.”
While it is encouraged that people do the right thing when sharing and posting contents, what is most important is that lives are touched and God takes the glory.
Friend, the question about “who takes the glory” is one you must patiently and sincerely answer if you would go far with God and fulfil destiny. Never forget that God is a jealous God; He can share anything with you but not His glory (Exodus 34:14).
I remember the line in one of the songs of my mother in the Lord; “If you see shame, just bring it. If you see My glory, don’t take it.” This is a timely instruction from God for all who would matter in His agenda this season. One of the proofs that you would deal correctly or wrongly with God’s glory is how you handle the shame.
Listen, if the shame that sometimes comes with following Christ makes you ashamed, then you would likely take the glory when it comes. The disciples were not ashamed of suffering for Christ but counted themselves privileged to share in His suffering (Acts 5:41, Philippians 3:10).
The truth is, serving God comes with lots of goodies and glories; learn to take the goodies, as granted you by God, but never take the glory. You cannot handle it. Man was never created to handle the glory and honour that belong to God. Nebuchadnezzar tried it and he was sent to the wilderness for a lesson he would never forget (Daniel 4:29-34).
© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria