I was on weeks of Bible study with my daughters sometime ago. The older one requested an examination. I set ten questions. The first question was, “Who is God?” My theological mind was expecting my daughter to write an epistle about God. But her simple answer was; “God is my Father.” In my seeming disappointment, I was about to mark her down when the Holy Spirit said to me; “Your daughter is right. That is who I am.” Then the fatherhood of God dawned on me afresh.
Friend, who is God to you? Sometimes, the older you grow in the things of God, the easier it is to forget that God is your Father. For some, theological exegesis have made them lose the sense of the fatherhood of God. Some of us are so hard on ourselves to the point that we see ourselves as undeserving of God’s love (Luke 15:17-24).
The highest position that God can occupy in your life is that of a Father. This is what New Creation reality is about. Jesus came to make us God’s sons and daughters (John 1:12, Hebrews 2:10). Until you walk consistently in the revelation of the fatherhood of God, you would rob yourself of the blessings of Christianity (Romans 8:17, Galatians 3:29).
Perhaps one truth that the devil fights in our lives is that of the fatherhood of God (John 5:18). Notice that the moment Jesus called God his Father, the Jews took it up with him. When you know God as your father, you are now equal with God (not equal to God). You share His DNA. You have access to all that He has (Romans 8:17). You have the privilege of representing (not replacing) Him on earth (John 14:7-10).
The first emphasis of the fatherhood of God is love. God loves you, regardless (1 John 4:10). You cannot claim that God is your Father and still doubt His love for you. God whispered to one man of God that “Even if you fail in ministry, you are still my son.” That statement delivered him from the pressure of performance and the fear of judgement (1 John 4:18). There is nothing you can do that would make God love you less (Romans 5:8).
The second emphasis of the fatherhood of God is that He takes responsibility for you (Matthew 7:11). God will take care of you; not because of what you do but because of who He is. He is a loving and responsible Father; He can be trusted. You can put your entire weight on Him. He does not get tired or exhausted. He is the El-Shaddai, the all-breasty One (Ephesians 3:20). Don’t let the devil rob you of this truth. Dare to call God your Father today. Amen!
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria