For the few months that we built our church facility, I’d practically go to the site daily to check the progress of the work and to pray. So, you’d hear me say that I was going to the site. Even now, I still unknowingly call it site once in a while. Recently, I told my wife I was going to the site. Immediately, my younger daughter corrected me; “It is no more site. It is church.” That correction inspired my heart greatly.
Friend, it is possible to be living in your miracle, but you don’t realise it yet (Luke 1:41-43). You can carry twins in your womb without knowing. You can be praying for what God has already done (Acts 12:1-11). Money might have been deposited in your bank account, but you are still asking God for money. Your appointment letter might have been in your mailbox, but you are still fasting and praying for it.
The greatest response you can have in prayers is the peace of God. Most people miss this peace in prayers, so they miss the manifestation of the answers they expect from God. The first answer that God gives us when we pray is the answer of peace (Genesis 41:16, Philippians 4:6-7).
Don’t stop praying until you have peace over the matter, and don’t continue to pray when God has given you peace over the matter. Such prayer, sometimes, is unbelief (1 Samuel 1:17-18). The peace you get in prayers is your note of victory. It is the assurance in your heart that the miracle is here. It is not first by what you hold physically but by what you know spiritually.
Stop dwelling in the old when the new has come (Isaiah 43:18-19). For some, what they call their building site would soon become their home. God does not have an abandoned project. He does not start to finish. He finishes to start. This is why He always finishes what He starts. What has God started in and with you this year? It is finished (Philippians 1:6)!
You need to align your mind with what God is doing already in your life. As you pray, let your thinking change (Ephesians 3:20). You cannot be in the promised land while still thinking like you are in Egypt. You cannot be believing God for marital settlement while still thinking and behaving as single. Let your thoughts and actions align with your prayers and desires. Your miracle is here! Amen!
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria