There was a particular year in my life that all I was doing was to pray about a major need in my life. Almost every prayer opportunity that I had was channeled towards that need. That year ended but the need was not met. Looking back today, I discover that God did a lot in my life during that period even when it seemed that my prayer was not answered.
Friend, the goal of prayers is not only to grant your desires but also to make you a better person. If all you focus on in prayers is the answer you get without entering into this other dimension in God, then you have missed God’s ultimate purpose for prayers.
While you are focusing on the answers to your prayers, God is focusing on the capacity that He is building in you via the prayer exercise. It is important that your exercise of prayers produce in you the capacity to pray more; this makes your prayer life stronger and better. This, to God, is more important than the answer.
There is nothing as wonderful as believing God, living a life of constant faith in God. Actually, Christianity thrives on the leg of constant faith in God, and nothing else births that faith like a prayer posture. “…For he that comes to God must believe that He exists…” (Hebrews 11:6). Coming to God in prayers is what facilitates Faith.
Notice that in the parable of the widow and the unrighteous judge as recorded in Luke 18, Jesus’ concluding statement was; “…when the son of man comes, shall he find Faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8). This means that what God is looking for in our prayers is the life of Faith that we develop via it. Without Faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).
Sensitivity is not a gift; it is the exercise of your spirit man in the Holy Spirit where you become attuned to His voice and leading (Romans 8:14). This is another benefit of prayer; your sensitivity is sharpened as you fellowship with God. When next you think your prayers are not answered, consider these other benefits. Don’t stop praying!
© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria