“A prepared place for prepared people.” I can remember vividly the feeling I had as I voiced this topic about two decades ago. That was my first opportunity to preach in church. It was not a long sermon, but I cannot forget it in a hurry.

Friend, there is a prepared place for you in life and destiny. Perhaps one of the most often quoted scriptures is 1 Corinthians 2:9. It encourages everyone that God has prepared great things for them. It is often used to remind us of how great the future that God has prepared for each and every one of us.

My understanding when I read that portion of the Bible is this; “It is not enough to know that God has prepared great stuff for you, it is highly important that you prepare yourself for what God has prepared for you.” The truth is, you have little or nothing to do about what God has prepared for you. It predates your birth and existence. But you do have a great deal of responsibility to get prepared for it (2 Peter 1:10).

God is done preparing stuff for you. What He is doing now is preparing you for those things that He has prepared for you. This is the demand of destiny that all of us most embrace. Like the Potter, God is busy moulding and shaping us for the purposes that He has for us (Jeremiah 18:1-6). Our job is to submit ourselves and cooperate with Him so that we can turn out just the way He has planned (Ephesians 2:10).

The seat of the Prime Minister had been prepared for Joseph before he was born but God had to take him through the processes that would ensure that when He steps on that platform he would maximally discharge the duties of his destiny (Genesis 39:1, 41:46). The same goes for Esther, Daniel, and the likes. What about you? Are you getting yourself ready for your ultimate manifestation? Are you getting yourself fitted and aligned for your place in life?

Stop worrying about your future; when to marry, get a good job, start the ministry or business, etc. Start getting ready! Dig deep in prayers. Be rooted and grounded in the word of God (Colossians 3:16). Develop sound character. Work on your competence. Acquire relevant skills. Build capacity. Get into the right posture for your position in life. Remember, when opportunity meets preparation, success is inevitable. You will succeed!

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria