A young man came to meet a man of God to explain that he would not be able to further his education because of money. According to the young man; “My father said he cannot afford sending me to the university.” The pastor asked him; “Which of your fathers?” That was when it dawned on him that he had overlooked God as his Father.
Friend, don’t overlook God as your Father. When God is your Father, there is nothing you cannot afford. The truth is, for a born again person, God is your Father and you are His son (John 1:12, Hebrews 12:7-9). It is not just a statement that makes scriptural sense, it actually makes life sense. We must enter life with the consciousness of God as our Father (John 8:29).
God is our real Father, our earthly fathers are simply delegatee fathers. We were given to them by God to take care of on His behalf. If human fathers understand this, they won’t struggle raising their children. They won’t be having sleepless nights over how to take care of God’s heritage in their care (Psalms 127:3).
Picture how the mother of Moses took care of him at the expense of Pharaoh’s daughter and you would catch a glimpse of what it means to take care of your children on behalf of God (Exodus 2:1-10). Think about this; Moses mother was paid to take care of her own son (Exodus 2:9)! Parents, God wants to pay you to take care of your own children, or better still, His own children under your care.
Some earthy fathers may be irresponsible, incapable or simply unavailable. But God is responsible, capable and always available (Psalms 27:10). God cares for you more than you can ever imagine. You need to allow God to do His job as a Father over you and not remove Him from the equation of your life.
Like that young man, when next you say that your father cannot afford it, God is asking you; “Which of your fathers?” It is a slap on the face of God when you say your father cannot afford it. Let me tell you; your Father can afford it! He can send you abroad for study! He can bankroll your wedding! He can fund your business! He can take care of your everyday need. Not only that He can, He will (Matthew 7:11)! You will not be stranded. Amen!
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria