After a very powerful ministration by our church choir recently, I got up to celebrate God’s grace upon their lives. I immediately said I felt like launching their beautiful uniforms for them. Then I told them I would lay hands on them as their gift. The speed with which they rushed out to receive the laying of hands was instructive. It showed that they value spiritual things.

Friend, you need to value spiritual things. Knowing what to value is a mark of wisdom and maturity (Matthew 7:6). Know what to value and how to value it. You won’t know what to value until you know the value or worth of things. The value or worth of things is connected to their eternal purpose (Mark 14:3-9). Some things are only connected to the here and now, while some have eternal value.

One of the definitions of profanity is giving up the eternal for the temporal (Hebrews 12:16). Esau gave up his birthright for mere porridge. He did not value spiritual things. The things you disdain today may be what will define your tomorrow for good. God wants us to value what He values and not be attached to what He dislikes (1 Samuel 2:30).

Valuing spiritual things means that you will pay the price to get them (Proverbs 23:23). The value you attach to things will determine the price you are willing to pay for them. Elisha went all the way with Elijah because he valued what was upon Elijah. He wanted the double portion of Elijah’s spirit (2 Kings 2:1-15). He valued the spiritual, and he paid the price to get it.

Gehazi was another profane person in the Bible. While Elisha followed Elijah for the anointing, Gehazi followed Naaman for material things (2 Kings 5:20-27). He valued the carnal above the spiritual. Never forget this; the spiritual will eventually produce the physical, but the physical cannot produce the spiritual.

What do you want? Grace or gold (Acts 3:1-9)? For our choristers in church, they wanted grace because they knew that grace would produce gold. This is why when you have an opportunity to meet an anointed man, go for his grace, not his gold. You need to perceive and value grace in the carriers of it (2 Kings 4:8-11). The grace you value will produce the gold you need.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria