He was in my office to share his business plans with me. I offered him some counsels and also prayed with him. The following week, someone called him from overseas to ask what his plans were. He sent him all the funds needed to start the business. This young man has unlocked divine provisions.
Friend, God is your ultimate Blesser but He uses men to extend His blessings to you. Men are extensions of God’s hands and extenders of His blessings. This is another vital truth you need to take note of in unlocking divine provisions. Pay attention to relationships. In life and business, relationship is capital.
“Then he said, “Go, borrow containers from of all your neighbors…”” (2 Kings 4:3). The supernatural brought the blessing for the widow in 2 Kings 4 but how much of the blessing would materialize would be dependent on her relationship network. The number of vessels she could borrow, and ultimately the supply she would have, was going to be dependent on the relationship she had kept.
The secret of the blessed man in Psalms 1:1-3 was all about his relationship. Simply put, your association determines your acceleration which would ultimately determine your destination. While you are believing God for provisions, don’t forget to build the right relationships. Just like you don’t wait until you are thirsty before digging your wells, you don’t wait until you have needs before building relationships.
Relationship management skill is perhaps the most important skill in the school of success. Your network is what determines your net worth. Anyone can start and build relationships irrespective of their temperament type. There are principles to follow. Genuinely caring for people is one of them. Putting others first is another. Being a giver, not just a taker is also very important (Acts 20:35).
God does not bless people out of the blues. Sometimes, the network of people in your life will determine the limit of your blessing. Rather than being a collector, be a connector and you would never lack provisions. While our focus must remain on God, we must daily build relationships that would facilitate and fast track divine provisions in our lives (Luke 8:1-3). Men are God’s hands.
© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria