I rarely lose things. All the phones I ever owned were used to the point where I got tired of them. None was lost except one. This was about 18 years ago. I attended a wedding event. I was so carried away with the dancing and celebrations that I did not notice that someone had picked up my phone from my pocket. That experience taught me something about unguarded moments.

Friend, beware of unguarded moments. These are moments when you allow the devil to exploit your carelessness or insensitivity (2 Samuel 11:1-5). Some have lost valuables to unguarded moments. There are gifts, graces, encounters, divine instructions, etc., that have been lost to such moments. The biggest assignment of the devil in your life is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10).

What has the devil stolen in your life this season? Where has the devil exploited your carelessness and insensitivity (2 Corinthians 2:11)? What are those things that were once in your life but are no more? Perhaps you once walked in so much clarity and accuracy in the things of God and destiny, but now you struggle to know what God is saying to you and about your destiny. Where have you missed it (Revelation 2:5)?

There are three emotional states that predispose you to satanic intrusion; anger, sadness, and happiness. What have you lost to any or all of these emotions? Some people have said what they ought not to say due to anger (Proverbs 16:32). Some have committed to what they would later regret when they were happy. One of the proofs of maturity is the ability to manage your emotions. A man who has no control over his emotions is like a city without walls (Proverbs 25:28).

Don’t take a break from spirituals. We can take a break to rest our body and soul, but not from spiritual things (Mark 6:31). We do not take a rest from God. We take our rest in God. If you don’t know how to have a spiritually healthy leisure, you would end up becoming a victim of the devil’s attack. Don’t lose the grounds that you have once gained to unguarded moments (Luke 4:13-14).

Guard your heart. Guard the deposits of God in your life (Psalms 4:23, 2 Timothy 1:14). Don’t listen to people who say or make you feel that you are doing too much spiritually. You cannot pray too much. You cannot study too much. You cannot attend church too much. You cannot be too careful with sin and the works of the flesh. When you think you are doing too much, remember that you are not doing enough (Philippians 3:10-14). Beware of unguarded moments.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria