We were in a meeting one day where everyone was asked to make a prayer request. When it was my daughter’s turn, her request inspired me. She said, “I want God to help me to fulfil my destiny.” My daughter saw fulfilling destiny as something higher than anything else.
Friend, fulfilling destiny is higher than anything else. Life must be lived to fulfil the purpose for which God sent us here on earth. Don’t just live life to make heaven, live it to fulfil purpose. When you do enough to fulfil your God-given destiny, you have done more than enough to make it to heaven. Live your life to please God by doing what He sent you here to do (Luke 19:13, John 17:4).
When you make fulfilling destiny your preoccupation in life, your prayer point will change. You would stop getting bothered about what to eat or drink. You would ask for things connected to your destiny assignment. Now, this does not mean that material things are not important. It only means that they have been taken care of in our pursuit of divine purpose (Matthew 6:31-33).
We are admonished to, “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added…”(Matthew 6:33). This talks about priority. When you prioritize fulfilling God’s purpose for your life above all else, it would change your perspective about life. It would change how you live and spend every single moment of your life.
Pursuing destiny would help you to bring every aspect of your life in alignment with God’s plans and purposes. You would pursue business, not as an end in itself, but as a means to an end; to fulfil destiny. Your choice of marital partner and other choices would also be in consonance with God’s revealed plans and purposes. You would live by a higher sense of revelation rather than by your emotions (Luke 2:49).
As you go into this week, I want to challenge you to make the pursuit of destiny a topmost priority in your life. There is something written concerning you in God, go search it out and live out that script (Matthew 26:24, Luke 4:16-21). Let your thoughts, plans and steps be in alignment with God’s plans as you leverage divine grace to fulfil destiny. You will succeed!
© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria