He noticed that I was not saying anything as we engaged in conversations. I was just smiling. Although I was tempted to join in the conversation, the words coming out of his mouth were not positive; they were full of complaints and negativity. I refrained from joining him. When I later spoke, I said the exact opposite of what he said.

Friend, you need to learn the wisdom of words if you would prosper and be victorious in these last days. Our world is ruled by words. The words you speak will affect your reality on earth. Since the worlds were framed by God’s word, the world can only be determined by words (Hebrews 11:3). You can frame your world by your word. Your tongue is the most important part of your body. It may look small, but it directs the course of your life (James 3:5-6).

Your life cannot be better than your mouth (Mark 11:23). A closed mouth is a closed destiny. Part of the inheritance you have as a new creation is a mouth and wisdom (Mark 16:17, Luke 21:15). It is one thing to have a mouth. It is another thing to know to know how to use it. When next someone says that you have a big mouth, simply tell him that Jesus gave it to you. Don’t let anyone stop you from speaking the right words.

Since mountains hear and speak, you do not stand a chance to surmount them if you are not speaking. You are not told to cry to God concerning your mountain. You are told to speak to your mountain. Mountains have ears, they can hear. What are those mountains standing in the way of your progress? Rather than speaking to God about your mountain, speak to your mountain about your God (1 Samuel 17:45-47, Mark 11:22-24).

David did not kill Goliath with stones. He actually finished him with words. Faith-based, scripture-accurate words are weapons of mass destruction. David spoke more than Goliath. Don’t let your problem speak louder than you. You have spoken enough about your problem. It’s time you started speaking to it. It’s time you started executing upon it the written judgement (Psalms 149:9, Isaiah 54:17).

The Bible was spoken to be written and written to be spoken (2 Corinthians 4:13, 2 Peter 1:21, Revelation 1:11). The problem is not what the devil is saying. It is what you are saying or not saying. You will not have what the devil says. You will not have what your friends are saying. You will not have what the economy of your nation is saying. You will not even have what God says. You will have what you say. God’s word must become your vocabulary if His promises will be your reality. Learn the wisdom of words.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria