The other day, I read a caption somewhere that was both funny and insightful. It goes thus; “Some people are so humble that they are even proud of their humility.” That statement emphasised the need to prioritise brokenness above smartness.

Friend, the true mark of intimacy with God is not smartness but brokenness. When a man has read a lot, he would be smart, but when a man has met God, he would be broken. Our generation is filled with smart people, and unfortunately, we have come to confuse smartness for intimacy with God.

The world teaches us to be smart if we would make headway in life and destiny, but God demands that we be broken. The life of Jacob is a classic example of how far smartness can take a man before he meets with frustration. Whereas brokenness will deliver God’s plans and purpose.

Jacob had a sense of destiny right from his young age. Perhaps he was aware of the contest that took place in the womb and how God had determined that he would carry the Abrahamic blessing (Genesis 25:23). But he thought he could make that happen by himself. He began scheming, trying to outsmart people so he could fulfil his destiny of greatness (Genesis 25:31, 30:40-42).

The encounter at Bethel was the defining moment in the life and destiny of Jacob (Genesis 32:24-31). He had met with God. His thigh was knocked out of joint. He had become broken. Now, he did not want to do anything with his life other than to depend on God for sustenance and help. It was after then that the glory of his destiny began to manifest.

Brokenness attracts God to us; it is a necessary requirement for divine commitment (Isaiah 66:2). God looks at the proud from afar, but He uses broken vessels (Psalms 138:6, 1 Corinthians 1:29, 2 Corinthians 4:7). Brokenness is not a gift, nor is it an event; it is a journey. God works on our hearts, breaks our pride, and brings us to the end of ourselves. This is where true greatness begins.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria