One of my senior pastors said something I would never forget. He said; “the season that I’m going through a lot is when I normally get fresher and fatter in flesh, but that is when people think I’m having things rosy.” He has learnt to cast his cares on God and be at peace.
Friend, Christianity is a mystery. You are told to “count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations and trials…” (James 1:2). You know what that means? People should not be able to say that anything is wrong with you when you are going through stuff. You stay joyful and positive spirited despite what’s happening to you or around you.
Nobody should be able to tell when you have millions in your account and when you are down to nothing; that’s what shows that you are a Christian! If you only give your greatest dance, smile and response when all is going on well but you do otherwise when things go south, then you have not yet learned the Christian life. Think about what Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:12-13.
“I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:12-13). What about you? Do you know how to abase and how to abound? Have you been instructed to be full and to be hungry? Or are you one of those who stop going to Church because there’s no food at home?
Are you one of those who wear a long face when the bank account is lean? Are you one of those who dance your best dance when alert has just dropped and go quiet and unexcited because of indebtedness? You should make up your mind to live your life in such a way that people would not be able to tell your status by looking at your attitudes and actions. The Christian life is inside-out, not outside-in; what drives us is what’s on our inside, not what’s around.
There is joy on your inside, fetch it out (Nehemiah 8:10, Isaiah 12:3, 1 Peter 1:8)! There is excitement in your spirit, let it out (Philippians 4:4)! There is contentment on your inside, live by it (Philippians 4:5)! Don’t live a circumstance driven life. Rather, live a scripture driven and Holy Spirit inspired life. Like Paul, you should be able to do all things (go through any and every season) because God’s Grace abounds on you through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:13). Amen!
© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria