As he moved the family into a new apartment, it was like a dream come true! For the first time, they would stay in a detached house. As they relished the moment, the voice of the Lord came to him; “My son, I provided this nice apartment for you so you can have more private time with me.”
Friend, God is a God of purpose. He does nothing by accident or frivolity but on purpose and for purpose. You must know the purpose of promotion so you can maximize it for God’s own glory. Remember that God is not first committed to your comfort but to His purpose for your life. You need to remember God’s purpose in the midst of life’s comfort (2 Samuel 7:1-3, Haggai 1:1-12).
“For promotion comes neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south” (Psalms 75:6). You need to realize that, ultimately, God is the One who promotes (Psalms 75:7). Thank God for your smartness, good grades, connections, anointing etc.; all of these would amount to nothing unless God decides to lift you up. God remains the glory and the lifter of your head (Psalms 3:3, Proverbs 29:26).
God is more interested in promoting you than you want to be promoted. He wants to give you a better job, accommodation, income, mobility and visibility. It’s all part of the Kingdom agenda. But the reason He wants to do that must be well understood if you would make Him glad while He promotes you. God promotes you for His own purpose and glory (Daniel 5:18-20, Malachi 2:2).
God gives you promotion so you can have more time for Him. Beware of any success that takes you farther away from God. Whatever God does in your life must always move you closer to Him, not away from Him. The higher you climb in life, the more control you have of your time and the more time you should create for God. There is a difference between a Graduate Assistant and a Senior lecturer or HOD.
The influence of God on the earth is often limited to the influence of His Children. God wants to promote you so as to wield His influence through you. This is why Heaven weeps when a believer gets to prominence and keeps silence on matters of the Kingdom (Esther 4:13-17, Mark 15:43-46). The more God promoted Daniel, the more Jehovah God was made known in Babylon (Daniel 2:47, 6:26). What would you do with divine promotion?
© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria