I have a dear church member who would always come out to share testimonies about what some others may consider little. He would testify of how God provided him with transport fares to church, sort out small bills, etc. Each time I listen to his testimonies, all I see is a grateful heart who is going places. Today, God has significantly lifted him, and he’s doing very well. I learnt the power of testimony.

Friend, your testimony is a weapon of victory in the realm of the spirit (Revelation 12:11). This is why the devil wants you to keep your mouth shut. He does not want you to make much of what God has done in your life. The truth is, every victory, success, or testimony is a seed for future victories (Psalms 103:1-5). Not knowing how to handle your victories in God will often limit how far you would go in life.

Notice how David recounted the faithfulness of God in the wilderness, and you would realise how powerful testimonies are in bringing down the head of Goliath (1 Samuel 17:32-37). Like David, the Goliath you are faced with today is only asking for your testimonies of God’s faithfulness at the backside of the desert. Woe unto the man who has no previous testimony to leverage in the day he would face his Goliath (Psalms 78:9-11).

We draw strength and confidence from the doings of God in the past. We know that if God did it before, He would do it again. (Hebrews 13:8). Most times, what you need for big wins is in the little wins. What you need to build your house is in the faithfulness of God in paying your house rent. What you need to carry out great ministry exploits is in the same faithfulness of God in the seemingly small exploits.

The problem of most people is that they forget too soon (Psalms 103:2). Like the Isrealites, they forget God’s wonders in the wilderness (Psalms 78:11). What about you? Have you forgotten so soon what God did in your life in the past? Have you forgotten so soon how God healed you of that sickness? Why are you now fidgeting at the challenges you are faced with now?

The devil wants you to close your mouth (Acts 4:16-20). He would sponsor people in the guise of friends and loved ones who would want you to belittle the acts of God in your life (2 Samuel 6:14-23). Some of them wonder why you could speak so loudly, dance so wildly, and rejoice so extravagantly at your little wins. People like that are killers of your joy, rather than helpers of it (2 Corinthians 1:24). Don’t listen to them. Whatever God does is big because He is a big God.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria