“I love your consistency at what you do. You have remained focused and unwavering over the years….” I am used to receiving these comments and feedbacks from people. While I sincerely and humbly appreciate such comments, they always set me thinking within myself like, “so, if I’m not consistent and focused, what else will I do?”

Friend, I know that we are in a generation of instant gratifications. Some people are serving what I call, “Jehovah Sharp Sharp.”, the God of the instant now. What most people fail to realize is that success takes time and process. There is no accidental success. Everyone has to go through a process, everyone has to remain focused and consistent if they would make anything meaningful out of their lives and endeavors.

When it comes to achieving results and multiplying profits in life and destiny, Paul had this to tell his protégé, Timothy, “Meditate upon these things, give yourself wholly to them, that your profiting my appear to all” (1 Timothy 4:15). That’s the secret! Immersing yourself in your life and assignment, giving yourself completely to it so you can become all that God has ordained you to become.

The truth is this, success may not happen for you automatically, but it would happen eventually if you remain focused and consistent. This is why you need to pursue your life and enterprise with strong conviction. Conviction is the secret to commitment and conviction thrives on revelation.

“…I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision” (Acts 26:19). Like Paul, when you are driven by a sense of revelation, you would burn with a white hot passion and commitment. You would be unstoppable, unmovable and unshakable. You would keep on keeping on until you achieve the highest level of greatness primed for you by God. You will succeed!

© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria