I had forgotten that I led him to Christ. If not that he mentioned it that day. About two decades later, he’s now a missionary evangelist taking the gospel to the unreached people group and also mobilizing people for world evangelization. Only eternity can tell the impact of evangelizing a soul today.

Friend, the greatest impact you can ever make with your life is to evangelise a soul (Luke 15:7). You need to understand that, most times, people won’t get saved on their own. God would use people to save people. Some of us can recount how God used certain people to bring us into the saving knowledge of Christ and a vital walk with the Lord.

God would use people to save people. How shall your Boss, family members, friends, colleagues, neighbours, etc. hear without a preacher (Romans 10:14)? Even though, by election of Grace, Nathanael was supposed to be a disciple of Jesus, it took a Philip to bring him into the fold (John 1:45).

There are people who would miss their destiny in God if you don’t reach out to them. It’s amazing how we excitedly introduce people to what we think or know works but not the gospel. You have introduced people to Forex trading, overseas travel opportunities, businesses, etc. But who have you introduced to Christ? Don’t leave the eternal for the temporal.

The woman of Samaria went everywhere telling folks about her encounter with Christ (John 4:28-30,39). Philip brought joy to Samaria and also facilitated the entry of the gospel to Africa through the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:5-8, 26-40). One man affected a whole continent for God; that’s the power of the gospel (Romans 1:16)!

What about the impact that God used Ananias to make in Paul’s life (Acts 9:10-20)? Now, Paul was one of the foremost Apostles, who wrote about two-thirds of the New Testament. Someone introduced him to Christ and discipled him. Don’t allow folks around you to go into a Christ-less eternity or miss their destiny. Introduce them to Christ! That’s where the real impact is!

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church

I had forgotten that I led him to Christ. If not that he mentioned it that day. About two decades later, he’s now a missionary evangelist taking the gospel to the unreached people group and also mobilizing people for world evangelization. Only eternity can tell the impact of evangelizing a soul today.

Friend, the greatest impact you can ever make with your life is to evangelise a soul (Luke 15:7). You need to understand that, most times, people won’t get saved on their own. God would use people to save people. Some of us can recount how God used certain people to bring us into the saving knowledge of Christ and a vital walk with the Lord.

God would use people to save people. How shall your Boss, family members, friends, colleagues, neighbours, etc. hear without a preacher (Romans 10:14)? Even though, by election of Grace, Nathanael was supposed to be a disciple of Jesus, it took a Philip to bring him into the fold (John 1:45).

There are people who would miss their destiny in God if you don’t reach out to them. It’s amazing how we excitedly introduce people to what we think or know works but not the gospel. You have introduced people to Forex trading, overseas travel opportunities, businesses, etc. But who have you introduced to Christ? Don’t leave the eternal for the temporal.

The woman of Samaria went everywhere telling folks about her encounter with Christ (John 4:28-30,39). Philip brought joy to Samaria and also facilitated the entry of the gospel to Africa through the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:5-8, 26-40). One man affected a whole continent for God; that’s the power of the gospel (Romans 1:16)!

What about the impact that God used Ananias to make in Paul’s life (Acts 9:10-20)? Now, Paul was one of the foremost Apostles, who wrote about two-thirds of the New Testament. Someone introduced him to Christ and discipled him. Don’t allow folks around you to go into a Christ-less eternity or miss their destiny. Introduce them to Christ! That’s where the real impact is!

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria