After one of our annual fasting and prayers years ago, a young man came to me that God told him to go on another 40 days fast to trap all that was deposited during the corporate fast. To cut the long story short, two weeks after the 40 days, two high-paying jobs came up for him, as well as three different overseas postgraduate scholarships. He learned to trap divine encounters.

Friend, you need to know how to move on from an encounter with God (Genesis 28:10-19). Most divine encounters are short-lived because of human negligence or irresponsibility. If all the encounters that you have had since you got born again were well trapped and maximised, you would not be where you are today (John 8:31-32). You need to learn how to move on with God after an encounter.

While you crave encounters, learn to take responsibility in prayers, more study, and obedience so you won’t waste the encounter (1 Timothy 4:13-16). Don’t join the generation of those who go from program to program without any visible progress in their lives. I would rather you attend one major program and keep working on what you have learnt to see that they produce results in your life than just jumping here and there.

Don’t make a career out of program attendance. Rather, be committed to doing the word and living the life (James 1:25). If only you knew the weight of responsibility that comes with encounters and revelations, you would not just be excited about such. To whom much is given, much is expected (Luke 12:47-48). But how do you move on with God after an encounter?

You need to trap instructions from encounters (Acts 9:6). Every divine encounter always comes with instructions for people to carry out. Obedience to the instructions is the key to unlocking the blessings of the encounters (Isaiah 1:19). Some of the instructions will come direct and clear while others would not. It is those who listen attentively and also ask questions from God that would be able to trap such encounters.

Don’t let the devil steal your encounter (John 10:10). The devil is more interested in stealing your word than in stealing your wardrobe (Mark 4:15). He does this by bringing issues to distract, discourage, and deceive you. Avoid people sent from hell to cause you to stumble. Encounters with God take you to heights in the spirit. Make up your mind never to come down but to keep rising higher. Amen.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria