I put a call through to him during the lockdown. I had spent some time praying for him. I felt he needed some encouragements and counsels. Business has not been doing well, no thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. We spoke at length. About two weeks later, he had this to say, “Thank you for that timely call sir, it was a life saver. I was practically down and discouraged. But now, I and my team have been able to restructure our business for progress”. Six weeks later, the testimony came in. His small start up had received a few million naira in funding. God is good!
Friend, there is something about your career/business success and your prophetic linkage. The truth of the matter is, life is spiritual, business is spiritual, and it takes people who understand and take care of the spiritual side of their life and endeavours to make progress against all odds. One of the safety measures that God has put in place for His people in the season of economic crises is the oil and the wine.
“And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see that you hurt not the oil and the wine” (Revelation 6:6). The oil talks about the anointing and graces that God connects you to in the Kingdom while the wine talks about the operations of the Holy Spirit in your personal life. Listen, your smartness alone cannot help you. Your determination may not be enough to stand and make progress this season. You need to know how to make the right pastoral linkage for your destiny of prosperity and progress to manifest.
Every Business man needs a pastor, a prophetic voice in his life; same with every career person, and indeed anyone who wants to make a difference in life and destiny. There are some things that your education cannot give you, they are only made available by Grace. There are some things that your expertise will not deliver into your hands, it would come via the channel of the anointing and the anointed. This is why the devil will do everything possible to severe you from such prophetic linkages. He wants you to be without help when it is most needed.
The relationships that would be critical to your survival must not be left to chance. The sons of the prophet were wise enough to carry the prophet along as they set out on their life’s pursuit (2 Kings 6:1-7). Uzziah was one of the most successful kings in Israel, his exploit was uncommon. His secret was that, “…he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God…” (2 Chronicles 26:5). His prophetic linkage to Zechariah greatly enhanced his career and leadership success.
You may not know the place of pastoral linkage in your career and business success until stuff show up, until the road starts getting tougher than you planned. What you bring to the table of life and business must not only be skills, you need Grace and Anointing back up! Prophetic inputs were critical to the success of Zerubbabel and the elders of the Jews (Ezra 5:2, 6:14). Peter’s next level in business was also tied to the linkage he had with Jesus (Luke 5:4-7). Who is your pastor? Who is that person in your life that God has graciously and strategically placed in your life? How are you servicing such relationships? May you not be a victim of circumstances in Jesus name. Amen!
© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria