Sometime ago, I just returned from a trip. As my custom is, I bought stuff along for the family. This time around, it was bread. My younger daughter said this to me; “Daddy, don’t bring bread again when coming home; bring Crunchies (a fast food snack).” My wife gently corrected her; “Say, ‘thank you’ to Daddy for the bread first, Crunchies would come another day.”
Friend, we need to appreciate God for the “bread” that He gave to us rather than complaining about the “Crunchies” we don’t have yet. We need to appreciate what God gives us even if we prefer something better. Stop focusing on what you lack and start focusing on what you have. One of the sins that the Israelites committed was the sin of ingratitude (1 Corinthians 10:10).
The Isrealites had the privilege of being sustained daily in the wilderness with angels’ food for 40 years (Exodus 16:13-17, Psalms 78:24-25). Yet, they called it “Manna” (meaning, ‘what is this?’). They did not realize that they were in the wilderness, yet God sustained them. A lot of us have passed through wilderness seasons, but here we are, still standing (Psalms 23:1-6).
Rather than complaining, choose gratitude. Rather than murmuring or grumbling, choose worship. I know this is not the kind of job you desired or prayed for, why not thank God that you have a job? I know this is not where you thought you should have been, why not thank God that you are not where you used to be. Where you are today is someone else’s prayer point (Genesis 32:10).
We must not be too used to our new levels as to forget that it was not where we used to be. Before you got a job, you were like, “God, just any job would do.” Now that you have the job, why are you feeling dissatisfied and ungrateful? We are encouraged to be content with what we have because no matter what we have or lack, our focus must be on who we have (Hebrews 13:5).
You must not live with an entitlement mentality. God does not owe you anything. But you owe Him everything, including your very life. Whatever you have is only a privileged blessing for which you must be grateful (John 3:27, 1 Corinthians 4:7). Learn to appreciate God for all things, including seeming little stuff; your job, accommodation, family, small business, church, etc. (Deuteronomy 28:47-48). What you thank God for multiplies. What you complain about diminishes (Jeremiah 30:19, John 6:11-12).
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria