My son Daniel was standing behind a closed door in our apartment. I saw he wanted to go out, but I didn’t want him to. Much more I was careful anyone could open the door and injure him so I stood up to lock the door. He thought I wanted to help him open it. But I ended up closing it for his safety. Confused and disappointed, he began to cry. But I learnt a lesson.
Friend, learn to thank God for closed doors (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Which closed door have you cried about lately? What are those doors you thought God would open, but He ended up closing? Where have you expected God to show up, but He seemed not to show up? Do you understand the mystery of closed doors? Do you know that if all the doors you knocked opened to you, you might not be alive today?
As you thank God for open doors, learn to also thank Him for closed doors. As you thank God for answered prayers, also thank Him for unanswered prayers. If God answered all your prayers, you won’t be here today. If God granted all your requests, you may not be alive today (Psalms 106:15). Learn to see the love and wisdom of God in closed doors.
Perhaps when people read about open doors in scriptures, they forget to notice that God does not just open, and no man can shut. He also shuts, and no man can open (Revelation 3:7). For some of us, God has shut the door of death against us. He has shut the door of failure against us. He has shut the door of marital frustration against us. That relationship that did not work out may be God preventing you from a future of regret (Romans 8:28).
But why does God close some doors against His children? Primarily, He does so for our safety. Like I did to my son, God does not want you injured. He knows what is on the other side of the door. He sees what what you cannot see. He wants you safe, not just successful. What you call success today may bring sorrow tomorrow (Proverbs 14:12).
Sometimes, God closes a door because it is not yet time for you to go through that door. Sadly, many people have entered some doors prematurely. There are open doors that will limit you in destiny. What if the butler of Pharaoh had remembered Joseph immediately? He would not have become a Prime Minister (Genesis 40:23, 41:9). God makes everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Thank God for closed doors today. Amen.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria