by Destiny Impact Church | Oct 21, 2020 | Devotional
I had this experience while on campus those days. I saw that when people need serious counselling and help, they would come to me. One day, I asked one of the counselees; “I thought you would share your experience with that brother you are following, what...
by Destiny Impact Church | Oct 7, 2020 | Devotional
One day, I was visiting with a senior minister of the gospel. He happens to be an associate pastor in a particular ministry. My posture, attitude and response around him thrilled him that he said, “you are a G.O of a ministry and you are still doing like this...
by Destiny Impact Church | Aug 5, 2020 | Devotional
The only carryover I had while on campus was in my year two. I was the pastor of my campus fellowship at that time. I didn’t know when these words jumped out of my mouth as I checked the result on the noticeboard; “thank You Lord for allowing it.” I...