When God led me to my wife, several years ago, I did not see any vision, have any dream, neither was I led by any prophetic word. It was simply a still small voice, “That is your wife.” I have learnt how to pick that supernatural leading over the years.
Friend, you need to understand that God does not normally lead us through spectacular means but through supernatural means. To go about looking for spectacular leading is to set yourself up for satanic infiltration. To jettison God’s simple and silent supernatural leading is to be at the risk of missing God’s plans for your life (Psalms 23:2).
You cannot maximise your sonship with the Father if you do not master the leading of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14). At salvation, Jesus brought us into sonship with God, but the Holy Spirit brings us into the manifestation of sonship. You can be a child of God and still live a frustrated life if you do not cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He leads you.
Like Jesus, the first assignment of the Holy Spirit in your life is not to bless you but to lead you (Luke 4:1). It is those who are led that shall not want. Goodness and mercies only for those who are following God’s leading for their lives (Psalms 23:1-6). Apart from living by faith and walking in love, how to be led by the Holy Spirit is one critical skill every child of God must master.
God would not always show you visions and dreams, He would not always send prophets your way, and you would not always hear audible voices, but you can always get His leading via His word and the witness of the Holy Spirit in your inner man. This is what it means to be supernaturally led. The word of God revealed to you is already supernatural (Psalms 119:105, John 6:63). The still small voice or inner witness of the Spirit is already supernatural (1 Kings 19:12, Romans 8:16).
Visions, dreams, prophetic encounters, and other spectacular leadings are God’s prerogatives; you are not supposed to press into them so that the devil won’t entertain you. But you can press into the word of God in study and meditation (Joshua 1:8, Luke 5:1). You can develop sensitivity in prayers and intimacy with God as you pick the leading of the Holy Spirit. Welcome spectacular leadings when they come, but don’t build your life around them. You will succeed.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria