Sometime ago, a young man who knew me way back from campus days called me. After mentioning his name, he asked; “Sir, can you still remember me?” I responded; “Very well!” I then went ahead to give a brief of what I know about him. He responded; “Wow! I thought since you are high up there you won’t remember people like us again; you dazed me, sir.”
Friend, don’t let success sink you. Don’t be a victim of Success Transmitted Diseases (STDs). Saul was so established on the throne that he forgot where God took him from. He presumed that since he’s high up there, he could do what felt right to him; he fell for the sin of disobedience (1 Samuel 15:17-19).
David felt he had trained enough people in warfare that he needed not to go to the battlefield at the time that kings go for war (2 Samuel 11:1-5). He fell for the sin of presumption; he delegated warfare (prayer) at the wrong time. This led to the major dent in his walk with God. Perhaps Jospeh understood how to handle success more than anyone else.
Joseph had the opportunity to use his position to get revenge on his brothers, but he took the high road of forgiveness. He did not harbour bitterness. He saw his placement in life as a sheer grace of God that he must not take credit for. He was quick to forgive (Genesis 50:19-21).
You are truly a successful man or woman if you can handle wealth, wisdom, and strength correctly. This is why wealthy, wise, and strong people are ready victims of STDs if not properly discipled. You must learn to glory in your walk with the Lord, not in your acquisitions in life (Jeremiah 9:23-24). You must pursue the giver, not the gift. You must prove yourself qualified and ready for the next level of God’s blessings.
You need to give God the liberty to bless and lift you without losing you. For a lot of people, it is not the devil that is keeping them small; it is God waiting for them to come to a place in heart and posture where He can safely lift them up. God will always test you before He promotes you (Genesis 22:1-18). When you pass your tests with God, you will have your testimony!
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria