Recently, I decided that my daughters would join us in a Church fast and break by 12noon. But as we gradually approach 12, my younger daughter kept coming to my phone to check time. She would say; “Daddy, what’s the time? Is it 12 already? Okay. It’s 11:01, let me wait. It would soon be 11:02 and then 11:03, then 12 o’clock.” I smiled and gently told her; “Stop watching time. Focus on the fast.”
Friend, stop watching time. Focus on the process and the future. HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT TIME APPEARS TO RUN SLOWLY WHEN YOU FOCUS ON IT? When you are doing nothing and only waiting for time to pass, it looks longer. As you pursue God’s purpose for your life, don’t be distracted by time.
GOD CREATED TIME BUT HE OPERATES IN THE REALM OF ETERNITY. He cannot be boxed or limited by time (2 Peter 3:8). God wants us to focus on eternity, not on time. You may think that time has gone, but God knows that you are just in your time (John 11:20-26). Staying sensitive and true to God’s timing for you is the secret to a life of glory and significance.
GOD IS NEVER LATE. God is never slow (2 Peter 3:9). He is always in time and on time. You can never miss it following Him. He changes times and seasons (Daniel 2:21). He ensures that time serves His purpose for your life as you focus on Him and not on the passage of time. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOUR TIMES ARE IN GOD’S HANDS (Psalms 31:15).
“Then Jesus said unto them, MY TIME IS NOT YET COME: BUT YOUR TIME IS ALWAYS READY (John 7:6).” One of the things you must avoid is the pressure from people who have no clue about what God is doing in and with you. Like Jesus, some people would think that you are slow or confused being where you are at this time. But you need to know that your time will come. REFUSE TO BE PRESSURED.
“And it came to pass in process of time…” (Judges 11:4). TIME IS MEANT TO PROCESS US FOR OUR PURPOSE AND DESTINY. It’s only a matter of time, your divine purpose and prophecies would be fulfilled. Your dreams will come to pass. You are moving from rejection to significance (Judges 11:4-11). STOP WATCHING TIME. RATHER, MAXIMIZE THE TIME AND FULFIL YOUR DESTINY (Ephesians 5:16).
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria