The day my daughter told me she was handed the microphone to lead worship at their school’s assembly ground, I was very excited. But the next day, she told me she would deliberately not stand at the front so she won’t be called upon. When asked why, she said she felt nervous the other day when she led. I took the opportunity to teach her about taking responsibility.

Friend, don’t run away from responsibility. Responsibility shapes and makes us (1 Samuel 17:33-36). Your level of capacity or expertise today is tied to the responsibilities you have made yourself available for over the years. We are all products of our journeys. What we do with our journeys and opportunities is what determines how and where we are today (Psalms 78:70-72).

Responsibility is simply response to ability. The truth is, there are latent abilities in you waiting to be unleashed and released (2 Timothy 1:6). It is through the medium of responsibility that such abilities would be realised. This is why those who run away from responsibility don’t eventually amount to anything.

Responsibility is also defined as response-ability. It is the ability to respond rather than react (Isaiah 6:8). The same opportunity that others are reacting against, some others are responding to it. It is how you see it that matters. While you see responsibility as a burden, someone else sees it as a blessing (Acts 13:36). He sees it as an opportunity to release potential and fulfil destiny.

Stop running away from responsibility. Stop complaining that you are being used. It is only because you are useful (Matthew 25:24-30). Don’t let people mock what God is using to make you. Nobody has ever become anything tangible without being involved with some sets of positive activities somewhere. Passivity is an assassin of destiny (Amos 6:1).

Sometimes, people won’t ask you to do stuff. You will have to rise and do it nonetheless. This is what volunteering is about. Stop waiting for people to hire you. You need to hire yourself (Matthew 20:6-7). You need to volunteer your time, energy, skills, etc. Stop wasting away when destiny is waiting for you. Be involved. Be responsible. Unleash your capacity for greatness. You will succeed.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria