The other day, I heard a story about a bishop of a local assembly. The church choir had led an inspiring song that moved the whole congregation to praise God deeply. When the bishop stepped up to speak, he commended the choir but added a surprising line; “You sang very well. If not that I’m a bishop, I’d have danced.”

Friend, you need to stay humble. Don’t be too big for God. Don’t let your title tie down your destiny. Don’t let your success suffocate your life. Your glory must praise God (Psalms 30:12). Whatever you have become in the flesh must be used to exalt God’s name. God wants you to use your platform to proclaim His lordship upon the earth (Daniel 6:26).

What you have become in the flesh must not come in your way of thanksgiving (Philippians 3:7-10). Like the 24 elders, you must cast your crown before God (Revelation 4:10-11). He gave you the crown in the first place. He even gave you the head to wear the crown. What is a crown without a head? What is a certificate without your breath?

As God lifts you up in life, you must go down in His presence. The higher He lifts you, the humbler you must become. This, perhaps, is the reason God is “afraid” to lift some people. He is not sure what you would become when He does so. You must not become too big in your own eyes (1 Samuel 15:17).

You must not become too big to serve God. You must not become too high to bend in worship. You must not become too settled that God can no longer move you and use you. Don’t be lifted to your own destruction (2 Chronicles 26:16). Make a decision to always acknowledge God in your greatness (John 3:27, 30).

A lot of people have wondered why David was a man after God’s heart. You have not yet known the secret of David until you check his heartbeat for God. He was not the most righteous, but he knew how to put God where He rightfully belonged. David danced as a kid. But he also danced as a king. He recognised God in his greatness (2 Samuel 6:14-23). What about you?

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria