I was involved in a meeting the other day. One young man approached me and said; “Sir, you could have done it this other way. This method does not fit your status.” While I sincerely appreciated his perspective and learned from his contribution, I got to ask myself; “Is it really about my status or about offering service and delivering value?”
Friend, you must learn to differentiate between holding unto your status and offering service and delivering value. For some people, it is their (perceived) status that would hinder them from becoming God’s best for them. Your status is not as important as God’s will for your life (Psalms 78:70-72, Acts 13:36).
Maintaining your status is good, but submitting to God’s process is better. If not for the servants of Naaman, he would have returned to his base with leprosy (2 Kings 5:8-14). I should ask Naaman, “Which is better; your status or your healing?” Many people have gone to God’s presence and returned empty because of their status (Luke 1:53).
You cannot have your reputation and the power of God at the same time. In God’s presence, we have no reputation except what Christ has made us. Christ is our new identity, and to Him must be all the glory (Philippians 3:7-10, Revelation 4:10). Let what you have or have become in the flesh be used to advance the purposes of God. Otherwise, it is useless (Psalms 30:12, 108:1).
For leaders, be more concerned about service than status. Don’t hold unto a status that is hindering you from reaching people. If Paul became all things for all men and it made him one of the most impactful apostles, you and I can learn from such attitude in our pursuit of leadership and ministry (1 Corinthians 9:19-23). Leadership is not about status; it is about service.
If leadership was about status, Jesus would not have come to the earth to die for humanity (Philippians 2:5-11). He would not have frequented Martha’s house to disciple that family (Luke 10:38-42). He would not have followed Zaccheous to his house (Luke 19:1-10). Jesus could wash the disciples’ feet because he was secure in who God has made him to be (John 13:3-17). His status did not stop him from serving God’s purpose (Hebrews 10:5-7). Your status should not stop you, too. Amen!
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria