One statement I would not forget while I was under my pastor is this; “Pay day comes.” I didn’t fully understand what it meant until I journeyed through life. I have seen the reality of this truth play out in different ways. Truly, serving God pays, and pay day comes.
Friend, serving God does not only costs, it also pays! A lot of people run away from answering God’s call and fulfilling His purpose for their lives because of the fear of failure or the fear of the unknown. God wants you to know that your ultimate success lies in the fulfilment of His purpose for your life (Job 36:11).
Pursuing God’s purpose for your life is the gateway to true prosperity and blessings. When you are committed to God’s purpose, He becomes committed to your success and greatness. When you are about your Father’s business, doing His will and carrying out His purpose for your life, you need not to worry if you will prosper or not; it is all in the calling (Mark 10:28-30, Luke 2:49).
When God called Abraham out of his father’s house and lineage, it was a calling into blessing and increase (Isaiah 51:2). God will take care of you! He will never mismanage your life. You can thrust and trust your life to Him. You cannot be stranded following God.
When you decide to follow God, your paths may not be like that of your colleagues you left campus with. It may not look like that of your family members. Some may think you are thoughtless or mistaken. They may be waiting for you to crash. But you will come out on the other side with God’s glory shinning upon your life (Psalms 66:10-12).
You don’t need to compete with anyone or even rack your brain on how it would be. Just rest assured that God has everything worked out (Isaiah 49:14-16). If multinational companies have good plans for their employees, don’t you think that God has better plans for you who have chosen to be employed in His program and purpose for your life?
‘Demola Awoyele
Leaf Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria