My older daughter loves being sent out on errands by her mum. Most times, the younger sister desires she’s the one being sent. Then one day, she told her mum; “Mummy, start sending me on errands, too.” Her mum’s response communicated a deep truth; “Start running errands at home first, then I’d start sending you out.” This is also true for us as Christians.
Friend, you need to run errands for God. But you need to begin at home first (Philippians 2:19-24). You need to start from the church family where God has planted you. It’s amazing how many people want to jump out there to go do ministry when they are not useful or available in their local churches. This is nothing but misplacement of priority (Psalms 68:6).
The first place your heart and act of service should be visible and available is in the local church. Timothy began by running errands at home, so Paul found a worthy disciple in him who could go on with him on his apostolic journeys (Acts 16:1-5). Timothy later ended up as an Apostle. But it all started from home. I believe that if it has not worked at home, you should not export it.
Charity, they say, must begin at home. Service or ministry must also begin at home (Acts 1:8, 1 Timothy 5:8-10). Every minister should be traceable to a house, a local church where he has discharged or is discharging ministry. This idea that God has called you but you won’t get involved with what is happening in your local church is disorderly. Don’t be too big for your local church (Acts 9:26-31).
Sometimes, outside ministry is a reward for faithful in-house ministry. Do you want God to make you a global voice? Be a voice in your local church first (Psalms 78:70-72, Acts 13:36). For many years, I served in the local church before God called me to run errands for Him outside the local church. My ministry flowed from the local church, not outside or away from it. This is where capacity, consistency, and credibility are built.
While you are waiting for God to call and send you into the ministry, remember that God has already called you within the ministry of the local church (Romans 12:4-11). What you need to do is to identify where you belong in church and serve faithfully there. Don’t be a wandering star, looking for what is not lost (Jude 1:13, 19). Rather, be deeply involved in the ministry of your local church and be fulfilled doing so. Amen.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria