My wife and I were divinely guided to our institution of higher learning. We both struggled to enroll in another school for a few years but could not gain admission. Little did we know that God was aligning both of us with His preordained purpose and plan. We did not miss it martially because we did not miss purpose.
Friend, alignment with divine purpose is the secret to effortless living. Once a man gets into alignment with God’s plan, he begins to come into the things that God has lined up for him in destiny without struggle (Psalms 23:1-6). When you struggle to get things done, you may need to check your alignment.
The prayer of alignment is the greatest prayer you can ever pray (Matthew 6:10). Rather than bombarding heaven asking who to marry, why not ask God to order your steps (Psalms 37:23)? No matter how much you pray about who to marry, if you are not in alignment you would miss the person. Don’t just pray for things, pray to be in alignment with things already provided (Hebrews 4:3, 2 Peter 1:3).
There is a place you get to where your desires are granted. Your desires become God’s desires when you delight yourself in the Lord (Psalms 37:4). This is when it is safe for you to go with your desires. The desires of a carnal person are satanic traps in disguise. God does not want to give you what would kill you (Psalms 106:15).
When you learn to commit to a life of prayer, even your seeming physical moves would be in sync with your prophetic destiny. This is another mystery of divine purpose. We may not hear God about everything, but we can always be in alignment with His plans for our lives if we learn to be in intimacy with Him (Matthew 26:24).
Sometimes, you do not find purpose, purpose actually finds you. When you do life intelligently with God, He ensures that you step into His plans even when you are not aware of it. For a lot of people, purpose would be discovered in retrospect. Saul and David stepped into destiny by running errands for their dads (1 Samuel 9:1-3, 17:29). Sometimes, behind the sending of man is the sending of God.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria