I heard the story of a young boy who went performing in a musical show. He played the piano so skillfully that the whole audience stood and gave him some rounds of applauds. But his coach sat in one corner shaking his head, obviously not excited at his performance. When they left the hall, the coach told him; “You didn’t play to instruction.”

Friend, you must learn to manage human applauds in the light of divine approval. Sometimes, what men are applauding you for, Heaven is weeping over the same. The things that are highly esteemed among men can be an abomination before God (Luke 16:15). The earlier you realise that human applauds does not always connote divine approval, the better for you.

We are in days where people want to do what is popular or trendy. But men of purpose and destiny do what is right and acceptable before God; not what is trendy. You cannot live your life pleasing men and not miss God somewhere (Galatians 1:10). How God sees things is different from how men see them.

Like Stephen, it is possible to do what men do not applaud but Jesus is giving you a standing ovation (Acts 7:54-58). Be careful of people who make you think you are wasting your life on a course that God has chosen for you to follow. In destiny, living life based on conviction is more important than living a cosmetic life.

Life is not a musical show; it is a destiny engagement. Stop playing to the gallery (Esther 4:13-16). Stop trying to please everyone and miss God in the process. Stop allowing the pressure of what people would say to stop you from fulfilling your ultimate destiny (1 Samuel 13:9-14). Always remember that human beings may criticise you but they cannot judge you, they can applaud you but they cannot reward you (Hebrews 4:13).

Like the young man in our opening story, learn to play to instruction. With God, obedience is better than cute performance (1 Samuel 15:22). You can perform excellently well and still miss your ultimate destiny. While men are applauding you, ensure you are looking at your coach and judge so you won’t get carried away by the applauds. You need to play to instruction.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria