We had a young man join our church sometime ago. While he sat before me for a chat, I noticed he kept using the word “Your church.” I wanted to correct him, but I had a restraint. Fast forward to a later time, his language changed to “Our church.” He has started taking responsibility for our local church family where God has planted him.

Friend, you need to take ownership. When God brings you to a local church, He has not brought you to spectate but to participate. This is the beauty of the local church family. It is a body, and every part has a significant role to play no matter how small it is or how hidden its location in the body (Romans 12:4-8, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27). You are supposed to be a part, a participant, and a partaker.

When I hear the language someone uses to address his or her local church or the pastor, I can tell his or her commitment level. Normally, everybody begins with “that church” prior to their joining a local church family. Then it becomes “this church;” they start taking interest. When invited, they would still refer to it as “your church” even though they now attend.

When someone begins to say things like, “our church, our pastor,” I know they are beginning to get integrated. Quite sadly, the majority of church members remain at this level. Only very few people grow to a point where they can say, “My church, my pastor.” This is when the church has now become a significant part of your life and schedule. Your heart beats for the church and her assignment. You literally breathe the church (2 Corinthians 11:28). You have taken ownership.

We all need to grow in commitment to the local church family. Just as the pastor has the calling to pastor the church, the members also have the calling to ‘member’ the church. Just as the pastor will give account of his pastoring the church, you will also give an account of your membership (Romans 14:12).

Church attendance is not based on sentiment; it is a matter of destiny (Psalms 68:6). If God sets you in a local church family, then you need to see yourself as accountable to God. No pastor should beg you to come to church. Stop giving excuses. See your absence as expensive to the economy of heaven. Treat your participation as a sacred responsibility (1 Timothy 3:15). You need to take ownership.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria