A dear one left Church sometime ago. He did not leave in a good way. After some time, he came visiting, to apologize for his actions. Then he made a statement that got me thinking; “Sir, I can see you have really made a lot of progress since I left.” I simply replied him, “God be praised!”
Friend, one of the best things you can do to yourself and your destiny after betrayal is to move on. There are unspoken expectations from your betrayals that you would be stuck, that you would fail, that you would be stranded, that you would not be able to move on or succeed without them (2 Timothy 4:16-18). Don’t fulfil these expectations by choosing to romance the betrayal rather than moving on to fulfil your destiny.
Jesus was ready to put the actions of Judas behind him as fast as possible. This was why he told him to do it quickly. It was inevitable, and it must come to pass (John 13:27). Yes, betrayal must COME TO PASS. Let it pass. Don’t allow it to stay. Don’t allow it to linger. Let it go. Learn to put the betrayal and the betrayer behind you. Move on.
Like Demas did to Paul, people would forsake you, but you must never forsake God or your calling in destiny (Psalms 27:10, 2 Timothy 4:10). Don’t allow betrayal and the betrayer to tie you down. Make progress. As a lady, why would you say that you would not get into a new relationship because a guy jilted you?
As a pastor, why would you stop training and trusting people because the one(s) you trusted disappointed you? Why would you stop loving people because someone repaid you with evil (Romans 12:21)? You need to move on. Keep doing what is right (1 Peter 3:13). The devil wants to use betrayal to destabilise and demobilise you. Don’t allow him.
One proof that you have moved on is that you stop talking about the betrayal and the betrayer (Acts 20:24). Don’t let the betrayer fill your heart and conversations; he’s controlling you without knowing. Move on. Leave it behind you. If you keep talking about the betrayal and the betrayer, you are not making progress; you cannot do both.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria