Shortly after we moved into our new church facility, a man of God dropped by at the facility to say hello. After he went round the entire facility, as he was about to leave, he made a statement; “This is a huge facility. I think you should now get a better car, an SUV, to match this your new status.” While I sincerely desire a new car, his remark troubled (or angered) my spirit. I was like; “Is ministry now about status?”

Friend, ministry is not about status. It is about service (Acts 13:36). You know, for some, if you are not driving an SUV, you are not a real man of God. A lot of ministers promote their status above the substance of their ministry. They settle themselves while their church is not yet settled (2 Samuel 11:11). Listen, pastors are not celebrities. They are bondservants of Christ. We must resist the temptation to appear big and bogus in order to appear important before the society.

If you or your work are not important to God, you are not in ministry no matter how society sees you (Hebrews 5:1-4). And if you and your work are important to God, you are fine even when people look down on you. We must not brand emptiness. We must not project what God is not even aware of. We must be comfortable serving God no matter the status or the lack of it that comes with it (Revelation 3:1).

If you see ministry as driving the best of cars or living in the best of apartments, then you need to go back to God to see if you are truly called (2 Corinthians 12:15). At best, all of these things are tools for ministry effectiveness and not status symbols. When God sees that you really need them for the level of assignment He has given you, you won’t need to beg Him for them or scheme your way to have them (Matthew 6:31-32).

Why would you borrow money to buy an SUV? Why would you borrow someone else’s SUV to go minister in a meeting when you can simply go with your smaller car that God has given you (Proverbs 12:9)? Why do you want to present yourself the way you are not? Why are you not comfortable with where you are on your way to where you are going? Why are you trying to live above your current level as graciously allowed you by God (Romans 12:3)?

Our fathers handed over contentment, substance of the word, and the reality of the Spirit to us. God forbid that all that those coming after us will know as ministry is SUVs, LED screens, stage lights, nice apartments, clean suits, and haircut. These are accessories, not the real stuff. They are meant to enhance the ministry we have and not project the ministry we don’t have. If you truly follow God well enough, all those things will be added in their own time (Matthew 6:33).

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria