Sometime ago, I gave this word in one of our services in Church; “Don’t reject offers once you sense God in it even if it’s something you think you cannot do.” Days after, an opportunity showed up for one of our members. According to her; “I was about saying No to the opportunity until I remembered the word that Pastor gave.” She had learnt to maximize opportunities.

Friend, learn to maximize opportunities. Really, you are just an opportunity away from the fulfilment of your destiny. God is the One who creates opportunities. It is one thing to have a gift or skill. It is another thing to have the right opportunities to manifest such gifting and grace. Gift without the right opportunities is nothing but a weight. A Joseph may know how to interpret dreams, but he cannot give Pharaoh a dream; only God can do that (Genesis 41:1).

When it is your time, it is what you have that your world will be looking for (Genesis 41:9-13). When it was the time of David, it was the ability to play musical instruments that Saul was looking for in the palace (1 Samuel 16:14-19). In the day of Joseph, it was the ability to interpret dreams. The administrative skill of Daniel was what was needed in Babylon, so God used it to launch him into limelight (Daniel 6:3).

God is orchestrating the right opportunities for the release of your gifting and potential this season (Ecclesiastes 9:11). You would not be a gifted but obscure man. You would not just be carrying potentials without the right platforms. Time and chance will happen for your good. You will not miss your chance. Your chance will come. Your change has come!

You need the right perspective to seize opportunities when they show up. Most opportunities are often dressed in the guise of problems. Destiny people have learnt to unmask the problem and maximize the opportunity. Don’t always run away from problems. David ran towards what others were running away from, and it opened up his destiny (1 Samuel 17:48).

When divine opportunities come, faith is needed (Numbers 13:30-33). Most opportunities would first appear bigger than your current capacity or ability, but they are not bigger than the reality of God in your life if you can release your faith. You need to keep working on your faith as you look forward to destiny shaping opportunities. Nothing can be more unfortunate than an unprepared man in the day of destiny.

Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria