I almost shed tears as I listened to her talk about Jesus and the place of prayers and dependence on God during the interview. She was being watched by millions of people all over the world. She had used the fame that God gave her to make God famous. What a lesson for all Christians today

Friend, God wants to make you famous. But it is for a purpose. It is so that through you, His banner can be flown everywhere for all to see (Matthew 5:16). God wants to be famous through you. Making God famous begins with a decision to use all that you are and all that you have to project God and to promote His kingdom.

God wants to bless and promote you more than you want Him to (Isaiah 42:6). But you need to understand the purpose of the blessing and promotion. God gives platforms to His children so that through them He can be seen and heard all over the world. Your job, career, business, academics, and daily life and engagement are supposed to advance God’s purpose (Acts 13:36).

Whereas you may be seeking to be popular, God wants you famous (Zephaniah 3:20). Popularity is man’s effort to be visible and influential for his own personal agrandizement. Fame is God projecting a man for His own purpose and glory. Popularity is human. Fame is divine. Popularity is earthly and temporal. Fame is heavenly and eternal. If you pursue God and His purpose, He would make you famous beyond your quest for popularity.

Even though the earth is the Lord’s and its fullness thereof, it is the portion of the earth that God’s children possess that becomes God’s practically (Psalms 24:1). Ultimately, your influence becomes God’s influence. Your position becomes God’s position. This is why God wants to take you to places and platforms for His own glory (Esther 4:14).

You must not be ashamed of God and the kingdom no matter where you find yourself (Luke 9:26, Romans 1:16). Heaven often weeps over people who get to platforms and keep mute as far as matters of the kingdom are concerned. When you see God as your source and support, you would make Him known wherever He places you (Psalms 75:6-7). You need to make God famous. Is this clear enough?

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria