A senior minister once saw me at an event. After the usual greetings and the likes, he said; “Pastor, please send me your account number. Your ministry now qualifies for a seed.” That statement drove in a major counsel, which is this; “At the beginning of your vision, you would not have the support you think you need until after some time.”
Friend, you need to understand that as a visionary, you may not have all the support you want to have at the beginning of your vision. But you need to make up your mind never to be discouraged or distracted by the lack of support. Rather, let it motivate you to prove your vision. Don’t expect too much from people. Let your eye be single (Matthew 6:22).
You need to make full proof of your ministry (2 Timothy 4:5). Most times, you are the only one who knows that God has called you. You are the only one who sees the vision and has the burden. Others may not get to see it until after some time. They may doubt it at the beginning. They may withhold their support to see how viable what you are doing is. This is how human beings have been programmed to think.
Your job is to make full proof of your vision. It is to pour yourself into your assignment that people can no longer doubt that God called you. Some people will not believe in what you are doing until they see your progress (1 Timothy 4:15). You have the responsibility under God to make your progress evident to all.
The beginning of most visions is always a lonely road. God called Abraham alone (Isaiah 51:1-2). It seemed crazy when he told people he was stepping out into an unknown future (Hebrews 11:8). They must have waited to see him fail. But his end was that of blessing and increase. While others are still doubting your vision, use that period to develop strong convictions and commitment to see it work.
Don’t be afraid to stand alone at the beginning stage of the vision. Don’t be ashamed to start small. Never nurse offence towards those who look down on you and what you are doing. Let your heart be large enough to accommodate those who would later join you when they see your progress (Genesis 50:18-22). The vision will soon speak (Habakkuk 2:3). Amen!
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria