The story of Zacchaeus readily comes to mind each time we hear about Sycamore tree. Here was Zacchaeus, a man who was short in stature but who had an encounter that changed his life forever. He located a Sycamore tree, climbed it and was elevated to see Jesus.
Friend, life is about positioning. Where you stand determines what you see and who sees you. God has ordained that no matter your size, stature or situation, you can position yourself for relevance in life and destiny. If Zacchaeus could not be hindered, you should not be hindered (Luke 19:1-5). Locate your own sycamore tree.
Your sycamore tree is that platform that helps you to gain visibility in life and destiny. It begins with being elevated to see Jesus. In actual fact, Jesus is our Sycamore tree; when we connect with Him, we see far and wide. Anyone who has not met Christ is truly short. Christ came to bring us up unto height of glory (Romans 3:23, Hebrews 2:10).
Your sycamore tree is the place of fellowship and intimacy with God. You cannot see better and farther than the sight you gain in God’s presence (Habakkuk 2:1). To see far and wide, don’t joke with intimacy. Intimacy supplies perspective; we see life with the lens of God and His word (Psalms 73:17).
The right relationships also serve as platforms to see better. To see farther, you need to climb on the shoulders of fathers. Fathers are ladders through whom we climb higher in life. Quality friends and relationships are vital too. Don’t company with those who are not seeing beyond their nose. You need mind stretchers and vision enlargers in your life (Proverbs 13:20).
In life, what you see is what you get (Jeremiah 1:11-12). You need to gain heights this season. You need to see beyond the economic challenges around you. You need to see beyond the disappointments and aches. You need to see beyond your current level of success. You need to journey with God into a future of unlimited possibilities (1 Corinthians 2:9-10). You will succeed!
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria