A woman had a discussion with a man of God where she shared how much God has been good to her. She pointed out so many physical stuff that she had enjoyed from God. While the man of God appreciated God on her behalf, he popped up a troubling question; “Aside all these stuff, what else can you point to in your life that shows you are growing in relationship with God?”
Friend, in your walk with the Lord, always remember that there is the giving hand of God as well as the making hand of God (Luke 15:11-12). If you hope to fulfil destiny and become all that God has ordained you to become, you must learn to maintain balance between these two as you walk with the Lord. We need both the giving hand of God and the making hand of God.
We must recognize seasons in our lives when most of what God is doing is making us rather than giving us. There would also be seasons in our lives when we would enjoy His giving hands as if that’s all He’s doing in our lives. At such seasons, we must recognize His making and not only bask in the euphoria of His giving hands; His blessings.
What God is making you into is more important than what He is giving you (Matthew 4:19, Luke 5:1-10). Whereas what God is giving you is connected to your present, what God is making you into is connected to your future. It is what or who God is making you that would secure and preserve what He is giving you. Blessings are short-lived when people are not made into the kinds of vessels that can handle the blessings.
One of the purposes of God’s giving hand is to draw us closer to Him and welcome us into His moulding hands. God wants us to taste and see, but many people only stop at tasting (Psalms 34:8). For Peter, the miracle of bountiful harvests of fishes was meant to draw him closer to Jesus, where he would be made a fisher of men. Peter had to leave the gift to follow the giver (Luke 5:10-11).
Don’t let what God gives you to distract you from His plans to make you. Don’t let temporary success become the bane of your progress with God in life and destiny (2 Chronicles 26:14-15). Behind every blessing, open door, and divine manifestation in our lives is a call to something deeper with God. The proof that you have a great destiny ahead of you is not in the things you have or are celebrating at the moment. It is in the processes that God is taking you through (Genesis 15:1-3).
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria