A young man came to me for counselling. He claimed he was led to our city. But he told me; “I’m leaving, I cannot get things done here.” I asked him; “How long have you been here?” He responded; “Three months.” I told him; “If I had left town three months into my entry, you would not have met me here today.” I encouraged and prayed for him while I taught him the power of consistency.

Friend, one of the hallmarks of greatness is consistency. Nothing and no one can be sustainably great that is not consistent. Success is not a 100-meter dash; it is a marathon. You need to keep pressing. The consistent would eventually taste the juice of success; they would eventually testify that the Lord is good and gracious (Psalms 34:8, Acts 26:19, 22).

You need to keep at what God has called you to do if you will eventually make a success out of it (Philippians 3:14). Most of what we call failure today is success stopped midway. Only very few people have been able to stay on a course to see it deliver success. Temporary failure is not the ultimate failure.

To succeed, you have got to look at failure in the face without bulging in (Micah 7:8). You must know how to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. Actually, for a man of destiny, failure is simply another lesson in the journey of success. It is not win or lose; it is, win or learn. When you see failure as a lesson, you are already empowered for a successful comeback.

We need men of conviction, not just men of vision (2 Timothy 1:12). Until you add conviction to your vision, you would be a cheap prey to discouragement. Your depth of conviction is what determines your strength of pursuit. If you are truly convinced about the path you have chosen, you won’t allow anything to stop you.

What are you looking for? Is it instant success or ultimate fulfilment (Philippians 3:12-14)? It is better to fail in a course that would ultimately succeed than to succeed in a course that would ultimately fail. Consistency is what brings mastery and builds strength, stability, and tenacity. It is what earns credibility. Consistency is what makes leaders in every field (Luke 22:28-30, John 8:31-32). Keep pressing. You will succeed!

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria