When my children were much younger, I had to help them understand the person of Jesus Christ. They would ask questions like; “Is Jesus God. How did he become a baby?” And stuff like that. Although it’s a little difficult to explain it in practical sense, I did my best and trusted the Holy Spirit to do the rest. There is something about the man Christ Jesus that is worth learning. Jesus was God-man while on earth.
Friend, Jesus was God in human flesh while He walked this earth. He was 100% God and 100% man. This cannot be reasoned out with our brain. It can only be caught by revelation and understood by faith. Actually, great is the mystery of godliness (1 Timothy 3:16)! There is something about the humanity and divinity of Jesus that would unlock various dimensions of blessings to us this season.
It is instructive to know that Apostle Paul chose the coinage “The man Christ Jesus” to talk about Jesus’ work of reconciliation (1 Timothy 2:5). Yes, Jesus is God manifested in the flesh. He took on the form of man so as to mediate between God and men.
The man, Christ Jesus, came to show us how to carry divinity in human flesh. He showed us how to be the son of God and the son of man at the same time. As the son of man, He was born and grew like every other child (Luke 2:40, 52). As the son of God, He brought God to our world (John 1:1-12).
Jesus was able to manage His humanity in the light of His divinity. He was hungry, yet He is the bread of life (Mark 11:12, John 6:35). He was thirsty, yet He gave the water of life freely (John 4:7-10). He was despised and persecuted, yet He kept loving till He died for love (Luke 23:39-46). While He was passionate about His mission on earth, He was still subject to His parents (Luke 2:49-52). Jesus showed us that you can carry treasures in earthen vessels without making a mess of the same (2 Corinthians 4:7).
We are not natural people trying to have a spiritual experience. We are spirit beings trying to have physical or natural experiences. Jesus taught us how to do this (John 1:14). Stop seeing yourself as someone trying to be spiritual; trying to pray, love, live righteously, etc. Rather, see those as your reality while trying to connect with the physical realm. For Jesus, His divinity affected His humanity and not vice versa. This should be your experience too. Merry Christmas!
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria