During the Covid-19 season, my seven-year-old nephew was asked to raise a prayer request at a home fellowship. His prayer point was this, “I want God to wipe Covid-19 away.” Something has robbed off on this young boy. He seemed to understand the power of intercession. He is putting the interest of others and the world above his personal interest. What a way to live!

Friend, God is looking for intercessors. He is looking for those who would partner with Him to birth His counsels and purposes on earth (Daniel 9:1-3). This is why Jesus taught us to pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is heaven (Matthew 6:10). The fact that something is God’s will does not mean it would come to pass without intercession.

When you understand the power of intercession, you would begin to take yourself seriously under God. Intercessors are special agents in the kingdom. God does not joke with them because He knows that His purpose and agenda largely rest on them. The birth of Jesus and the fulfilment of His mandate on earth was fast tracked by intercessions (Luke 2:25-40). If Jesus needed intercession, then know that your life and destiny need it.

Behind every prophetic word is the spirit of intercession (1 Kings 18:41-46). Be careful of any prophetic word you receive that does not move you to pray (1 Timothy 1:18). What are those prophecies that you have received for this year and for your life generally? What are you doing about them?

The power of intercession also lies in taking the burdens of others upon ourselves. An intercessor is essentially a selfless person. He takes other people’s cares and concerns upon Himself. Most times, he forgets his own problems while he intercedes for others. Like Job, he would pray for his friends despite his own challenges (Job 42:10-12).

Our vision for intercession must involve praying for people, places, and things (Psalms 2:8). God is looking for watchmen over families, cities, nations, and places (Isaiah 62:6, Ezekiel 22:30). Like my nephew, let God find you faithful to bring His mercies to bear upon the problems facing the world. Like Abraham, let God be able to depend on you to pray for people and nations, and your life will never lack His blessings (Genesis 18:17-23). Amen!

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria