Years ago, I read a mini book titled, “Betrayed with a Kiss”. From the title to the content, I was greatly inspired and blessed. Then recently in Church, the Lord gave us further insights into how to handle betrayals.
Friend, betrayals are part of the food that champions in destiny must eat. If you have not eaten the food of betrayals, you probably still have a long way to go. The greater your destiny, the more significant the betrayals you would have to go through. Joseph, David, Paul, Jesus and all great men have been betrayed (Genesis 37:19-20, Psalms 55:20-22, 2 Timothy 4:10, 16).
“…That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread…” (1 Corinthians 11:23). I’m comforted at the fact that Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords was betrayed. His anointing or the specialness of His calling could not stop the betrayal; it necessitated the betrayal. The betrayal facilitated and fast tracked the fulfillment of His ministry. There are a few things to learn about betrayal from Jesus.
The same night in which he was betrayed… What do you do when you are betrayed? For Jesus, the same night that he was betrayed, he did something very significant. Listen, it is not what happens to you that matters but your response. Beyond just nursing the wounds from betrayals, beyond “cursing” your betrayer or looking for pity party, you need to do what Jesus did.
Jesus broke bread… He simply switched over to the covenant. You are not ordinary. There are covenants hanging over your life and destiny. Betrayals and Betrayers want to make you look ordinary. They want to reduce the potency of your life and calling. You need to remember the covenant. What has God said concerning you? What is the spiritual side of your life and operation?
As a pastor, what is the covenant side of your ministry? What has God told you? What is His commitment to you? That is what to do during betrayals; switch to the covenant. The covenant will always win. As a lady, I know the guy jilted you, but what has God said concerning your marital life? Remind yourself that God’s word concerning you stands sure irrespective of the betrayal, and with this, you can give thanks (1 Corinthians 11:24)!
© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria