I was chatting with a young man recently. As we got talking, I asked him, “Who’s your pastor/spiritual father?” He mentioned the name of one famous Apostle. I gently asked him; “Does he know you? Do you have his phone number? Have you ever seen or spoken with him?” He responded in the negative. I advised him; “Go and prayerfully look for a pastor/father you can access easily. Get a church, and grow from there.” It’s that simple!
Friend, growth has been designed by God to be that simple. A lot of times, people complicate things for themselves (Galatians 3:1-4). Always remember this; anytime what should be simple becomes difficult for you, you have missed it somewhere. A lot of times, it is not the devil. It is just ignorance and disorder (Hosea 4:6).
The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is simple; it takes unsent men to confuse you in it (2 Corinthians 11:3, 13). I personally believe that if people pay attention to simple, basic Bible teachings on growth, maturity, and fruitfulness, their lives will not lack result (John 15:1-5). A lot of times, we are looking for what is not lost. We are jumping here and there when what is needed for our growth and success is just within reach.
No tree grows by jumping here and there. All it needs to do is stay connected to the root to bring forth fruits. This is why Jesus told us to abide in Him (John 15:4). If you don’t abide in Christ and where He has placed you, you would just be going up and down, yet achieve no result (Jude 1:11-13). Listen, activity is not the same as productivity. It is results that count.
I often counsel young converts to pay attention to just six things if they would grow healthily and fulfil destiny. I believe these also apply to everyone, no matter how old you are in the kingdom. You cannot outgrow them. Study the Bible daily. Pray daily. Get into right and godly relationships. Be planted in a sound local church. Get involved in evangelism. Use your time, gifts, abilities, and possessions to serve God’s purpose. If you do these simple things, you will never fail (2 Peter 1:8-10)!
Most of the people you call your mentors and fathers are just celebrity ministers who have little or nothing to do with your growth and development (1 Corinthians 4:14-16). It is just clout chasing. If you know your biological father and he also knows you, then you should know your spiritual father, and he should also know you (Galatians 4:19). It is that simple. Nobody grows healthily by eating out in different restaurants every day. You grow by homemade foods. Restaurants are just complements, not substitutes.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria