That day, I wore a particular dress and went out. It looked nice normally to me and to people but I had this uneasiness within me about it. I felt uncomfortable. I knew the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me; “Don’t dress like this. This is not for you. This does not look like who you are and where you are going.” I had to change that dress before the day was over.
Friend, your dressing identifies you in the spirit and also among men. Your dressing shows us who you are and where you are going. It is what determines who and what you attract. People are identified by their dressing; doctors, policemen etc.
Joseph dressed for the palace. He put away the prison look and packaged himself for the next level of manifestation (Genesis 41:14). Sometimes, what you need is not a better skill or business, but better packaging. You can package the same skill, gift and product that you have been offering in the prison to fit the palace (Proverbs 22:29).
Esther abided by the preparation process given her by the king’s Eunuch. She must not appear anyhow (Esther 2:12-17). The dressing is the natural thing she needed to do while positioning herself for the supernatural favour of God. Do your part. Don’t make God look like an accomplice in crime by the way you lead your life and carry out your business.
Don’t work against your own miracle. Don’t just dress like where you are, dress like where you are going. Don’t wait until you get to the place of manifestation. Spend time to groom yourself. Groom your skill. Groom your gifts and anointing. What you carry is of value but you determine the value that would be placed on it (Proverbs 17:8).
Start acting like where you are going, not just where you are at the moment. As a lady, groom yourself to become a wife. As a business person, structure your business for greatness. Start behaving the way you would behave when the big breaks come. They will soon send for you in the palace! Amen!
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria